Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Ode to Old Days

Goodbye Old Days. I will miss you. I will miss the drunken ranting I instilled upon my passed out and exhausted party pooping friend Mr. Greg Shalhoob, whom can no longer run with me the big dog like he used to, and whom I caught sneak eating a pack of doughnuts at a late hour of night.

Goodbye and farewell until 26 fortnight pass we shall fiesta again--and that will come soon enough for time does indeed keep slippin-slippin - slippin into the future.

Merry days, social order- lots of food, kids, dance and drink. Life is SOOOOO GOOOOD :)

Old Fart vs. Old Fuck

Facts: 14 of 43 Vice Presidents have gone on to be president. That's 33 % ---- 1 out of 3. Also -- from a study of people age 71 conducted by this medical article -

Of both samples (1700 for one, and 856 for another) they each concluded that 22% were shown to have cognitive impairment without dementia. Repeat it again -- Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive: the mental process or faculty of knowing (fundamentals of the economy are strong,) including aspects such as awareness ( how many houses he owns,) perception (offering a gas tax Holiday,) reasoning (Keating,) and judgement (Sarah Palin???)

Impair(ment): To cause to diminish, as in strength or quality (such as bowel control.)

So in conclusion we have by itself a 1 in 3 chance that Sarah Palin will become the next president of the United States of America - not including the added almost 1 in 4 chance that McCain at his current age is unknowingly besieged by cognitive impairment without dementia, plus the really unknown chance of the melanoma coming back to life ---- I would really want to know how a Vegas Handicapper (no pun intended) would lay the odds on Palin becoming POTUS within the first four years of a McCain term. My rough calcs come up to a 1 in 2 chance.

Another great Carlin Video:

Freedom Fighters?

A great point---


Does McCain want to expalin what he would have done different when the Soviets left Afghanastan -- be more elaborate with "the mistake correction."

Latenight Watch

Its late....watching Colbert Report. I liked it tonight , at least the first fifteen minutes...... It was extra crisp-really funny.

Thumbin through---not much else, gave Fox News a try - channel 360 on the Direct TV. Sean Hannity is such a dildo---and Allan Comes - (is that right? doesn't look right---Allan Cums--icky). Thumbed over to MSNBC---looks like they gave the little dike a show - not that there's anything wrong with that=====Her name is Rachael Maddow, and you know what? Its really good----watched her torpedo talking point mumbo jumbo outta the water -- basically she pointed out that for 3 days last week, drama queen McClame and his lead surogates were spewing how leaderly like he was for dumping his campaign for a day (allegedly) to get the "Crisis Resolved." What a bunch of maroons as Bugs would say. Look what happened today-- what a disaster this McCain campaign is, and what a disaster ALL of congress is.

--Oh watched Pittsburgh win earlier---Good Game.

4-0 in fantasy football this year: Kurt Warner'z da man!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dennis Millers Head-- A bit thin, still.

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The Good Times -

In our little town called Los Alamos, California population 1,400- the last weekend in September, for the past 62 years, we celebrate our community and call it simply "Old Days." There is nothing more American than a weekend like this, putting together in one weekend the most mirrored representation of who we are. Los Alamos, in the heart of Santa Barbara County, is primarily an agriculture and ranching based economy, the wine industry is huge, but over the past 20 years it has evolved into a bedroom community with the larger cities of Santa Barbara and Santa Maria providing the bulk of the jobs making for longer commutes---in other words, we don't see each other all that often. Weekends like this make up for that lost time, and we have a a lot of fun. It's a nweekend to unplug, to not talk politics, to watch the kids run amok, and to dance, drink and laugh after a years worth of hard work. Towns across America have festivals like this, and this commonality, if anything, brings us Americans closer together than ever.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Old Days are here again

What a day! Old Days festival here in our little quaint town of Los Alamos. Lots of pictures to upload, and stories to tell. ......I'm predicting a hangover tomorrow :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dennis Millers Head - a little thin.

Part 1:

Sarah Palin is not fit to be president of the United States, Dennis Miller is adamantly supporting the notion that she is. I asked him on his radio program today to look me in the eye (pretend please!!), to not blink, and say that she is fit to president of the United States of America. He did it and he got offended. I am not calling to be smug, mocking, or condescending. I am a recently registered Democrat, truly I consider myself as a Reagan disciple. I am an independent really-- voted Bush in 00 (okay?). He quickly regurged some boilerplate Repub talking points that sounded so old---so stale, yet spoken in vigor, I realized this struck a manic chord. The argument I have is that I am getting a sense of Partisanitice out of Dennis, begging the extreme--if you take all arguments to one, that, If Jack the Ripper were running under the Elephant banner, I get the impression that Miller would be persuaded to pull the lever - provided a twisted "smart argument" called for it, and he was still a person employed in the Entertainment Business.

I am not sorry to not have quickly belted out canned talking point snippets rebutting the conversation, I wanted to avoid diatribe, and I believe I did. I do know she is out of her league, he doesn't - fair enough. I would have liked to have mentioned that she should have never said yes to this, and that McCain is an absolute Jackass with his goliath sized blunders, this choice being the largest- in my "one voice - one person" judgment, and the evidence behind this judgment is easily presented, collected, and regurgitated by way of a modern day tool known as Google. Oh -- and Mr. Miller, in all due respect - I thank you for the opportunity to be on your program and have the chance to talk to you. If, in the future we "fence" again - I will bring a more combative game--- I didn't realize that you wanted your contention a bit more fistacuffish?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just fucking do it ALREADY!

You know the feeling---the feeling is heavy, stomach twisting, vortexish, and lonely. The moment before a major financial decision---Jupiters gravity of sorts - knowing "once I sign this....I'm on the hook" under it's terms that I think I understand, ......I'm pretty sure I understand, but wait..."whats an impound account again"...and "what's this thing called PMI??" How come the fees seem so much?----Then you sign. Fuck it---its done......I own a house now, thats what I want, thats what I got.

My advice to Congress-----Just sign the goddamn thing. Don't try to be so smart by half? Fuck Newt and his Doctorate in Political Science. If Newts so goddamn smart why is he known as the "former" congressman?? Bill whooped his ass, and he can't get over it. Sign onto the plan, get it over with------I trust Michael Bloomberg for some goddamn reason--so should you.

Hypocrisy is everywhere!

A recent blurtation from our local Republican hack a.m. radio host - Andy Caldwell at 1440 KUHL am radio located in San Manure, California....er - Santa Maria, California- had a senile persnickity old codger on that you can tell Andy loves to sit round the fire with and be told nightime stories, his name I recall being Richard Somethingorother, who had the gall to be upset with last weeks Saturday Night Live Skit that basically claimed that Todd Palin is the GrandpaUncle Daddy to all the alin kids.

Mock outrage is as obvious as Jess Ownes at the Nazi Olymics. Was it not just a few short months ago that the cover of the New Yorker painted a rather radical slant to the perception of the stupid people? Is satire truly dead in this world of correctness? Fuck No it isn't!! This stuff is funny, period, bottom line. I do not care if you think its not--I do, and thats what matters. Some people still think jokes that have the N- word in them are funny. You can count me out of that group----I don't like the word, never did, never will - doesn't mean other people should never use it---it is just a word afterall, but the ferocity of its enunciation is too much for my taste.

Anyways -and in all seriousness - we heard Mount Limbaugh repeatedly giggle and laugh at the hoopla surrounding those all to fake outrage soundbites when the New Yorker first came out with it, and you know what? He is right ---If you are stupid enough to believe that a flag burning in the fireplace, with homage to the portrait of Osama Bin on the wall, with a militant fro'd Knuckle Jammin BIATCH at his side is who we are really electing, and not see it as a salient capture of ridiculous - then I just don't know how you can be cured of the plague I call Partisanitice, that has swept through our country over the past 25 years, basically since Mt. Limbaugh rose from the sea floor with all of his abhorrent algae infused barnacles, and the second and third heads popping out of his back in the likeness of What a ham Hannity, and I hate myself Ann Coulter.

The Sarah Palin story is a joke in itself, but the point of the skit- and a lesson of hard nosed politics is say anything you want and let the sons of bitches prove it wrong. Well----I can safely conclude that I really do not believe that Todd Palin is the father of his soon to be grandchild -- But I cant be 100% sure about that Now Can I?