Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Better Ways To Pay

The hot topic is Health Care. Why does this come as such a surprise, when after all during the campaign this is all we really heard from the umpteen different candidates and how they would tackle the unanimously agreed upon problem. Romney's solution was to make it the same as Massachusetts form, which he takes credit for of course. McCains solution was to stop his candidacy to help solve the economic crisis. Clintons was to force feed health care down every ones throat no matter what. Obama's was to provide a government option---so that its affordable for anyone who wants it. Who won again?

I have a great health care plan. I work for the government. I also own a business and have employees that work really hard, for meager pay, and are living without the safety net of a health care plan. It is unconscionable that the wealthiest nation on earth can not provide affordable health care insurance for hard working taxpayers. Long term strategy for American fiscal solvency has got to reform health care, social security, and defense spending. This is a three headed hydra that needs to be beheaded and the melted wax poured on top. First head- health care. If Americans are so distraught that this is going to cost our grand kids grand kids forever-- I would like to provide some solutions to pay for it right here, right now:

Some of my ideas on better ways to pay for health care:

1.) Spoils of war. Romans didn't conquer half of the known world just to spread the rule of law and Western democratic ideals. They did it for profit. Wasn't this (oil) supposed to be the method of rebuilding Iraq? Well that's what our boy Paul Wolfowitz told a Congressional panel on March 27, 2003. That's part of what the Bushies lead us to believe on how this was going to be paid for. I think we should follow through on that promise. Estimates sourced here estimate production at about 1.5 to 3.5 million barrels per day. Take the middle, multiply by 0.25 (because 4:1 is only fair) you come up with about 688,000 barrels of oil per day comin our way. At roughly $60 per barrel that would be $41,250,000 PER DAY, retribution of freedom tax. A small price to pay really - for the ability to tell your government to fuck off without going to jail.

2.) Sell Alaska. For Obvious reasons, partly including Palin. Normal commercial sales use a simple formula of about 5 times the gross revenue. 2005 census figures> Alaska G.D.P. is $39,314,000,000. Five times would garner a tidy intake of $1.9657E+11. For you non engineers E to the anything is 10 X the following number. This state is worth damn near $2 trillion. Get rid of it.

3.) Get rid of that goddamn adventure pass program. I pay my federal taxes. I should be able to enjoy National Forest without having to pay an additional fee to park on the side of the road to take my son fishing. Estimated savings? Who cares-- its wrong, and I think they need to get rid of it.

4.) And maybe the most realistic of all of them: Eliminate the Employer Sponsored Insurance (ESI) Exclusion: Explained simply here --- I don't really know how much this will save---but I have the benefit of my health plan being reduced off of my taxable income. All government employees get this, and I think its wrong to not be included as income. Anyone off the street would have to pay for a plan with after tax income. This is a matter of fairness, and I would not be opposed to paying more for a plan that most people cannot obtain.