Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Veterans Day Off

So I had the day off thanks to the Holliday we call Veterans Day. How did I use it? I slept in, played video games with my kids, went golfing, ate at McDonalds, and watched a movie at home with my wife, then went to bed.

Do we ever pause to think why we are calling a day of the year "Veterans Day?" I think I did, and I can honestly say that in the back of my mind, subconsciously, the knowledge of the greatest of sacrafices peruses through my awareness but reality of the REAl Deal that goes on in war, that Real Veterans faced, lived and died -- that can never be fully appreciated unless you were in yourself.

So maybe this is the day that the veterans whom each personally withhold this kind of Real Knowledge of what the hoopla is all about from the rest of us, can kick back, go down to the Bar and have a few laughs, or go the Golf Course, or the Memorials and look each other in the eyes and accept this Holliday as their own--and be forever proud, because if not for them - I would never be able to sleep in, play video games with my kids, go golfing, eat at McDonalds, and watch a movie with my wife every 2nd Tuesday of November.

Thank You Veterans.

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