Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Joe the Plumber will be a STAR! MARK MY WORDS!

If anything out of tonight's debate will become fodder for tomorrows news cycle it has to be the mysterious fellow we learned of tonight named "Joe The Plumber." We all know that guy right? I think of the traditional guy - wife beater on, beer gut, white ass crack apparent and in view. I know "Wade" and "Jack" each plumbers but not working the same on name connection---Joe just sounds fat I'd say.

In all truth, what the hell is this except another weak ass attempt by politicians to try and relate to us here on that other place referred as "Main Street" which is so fucking IRONIC because I actually live on Main Street!--------586 to be exact, Los Alamos, CA!
You've heard the lines say for the bailout----Not Just To Help Wall Street, but Main Street Too! So when the bailout occured last Saturday--- on Monday I ran out to see if help had arrived yet, nope- Tuesday? -- Nope, to my dismay it still hasn't arrived. But it will - because "they" said it will (sic.)

The question becomes --- who is the least full of shit? And the answer undoubtedly becomes clear , coupled with a moderate attempt to learn about and perhaps "Google" the lives of each candidate then to discover that one was raised by a single female parent and grandparents - who bounced around a bit - who put himself through school and achieved everything by himself without the aid of family, or connection, or name --UNLIKE -the other that is best summarized by this much-talked-about Tim Dickinson piece in Rolling Stone.

My post reflects a sample of this brattish shit as well.

This stuff matters --- its about our kids, and their kids and so on and so on. We have to get the keys back to this country, and we have to get this one right this time!-----Old People and STUPID PEOPLE Are FUCKING UP our Country!
In the words of the immortal Van Halen this has to be done --- RIGHT FUCKING NOW.!


Shell Bell said...

Ahh, Joe the Plumber, cousin to Joe Six Pack.... who are both married to a Hockey Mom. Joe Six Pack got the raw deal since he is clearly labeled as an alcoholic rather then just the illusion of being overweight with his crack hanging out. I doubt seriously anyone was refferring to JSP's abdominal Muscles.

Sadly, a feeble attempt to connect to the average every day American.... who by the way are the ones who truly make this world go around. I find it offensive actually.

Until McCain and Palin get out and walk in the shoes of a plumber, or any other ball busting hard working laborer (which we know will NEVER happen) - then they should change their slogans to "Joseph-Corporate"........ we all know that is who they will take care of anyway....

He and Madam heir are living on the rich side of Main street.....

Big_Red_Dog said...

Exactly Right---ITs all about Corporations for them. McCain is the absolute worst when it comes to lobbyists.

-----and why Joe?/ Aren't there some "Rupert The Plumbers" out there, or "Winston 6 Packs"

Is Joe the name that swing voters connect to the most? Do they have polls that query folks on this ---"Who would you rather have a beer with...Joe, or Sir Rothchild"

They can't relate--its all an act----and regular people are buying it.