These videos (at the end of this post), to me, are extremely disturbing for a couple of reasons.
1.) The tone - its angry, negative, unproductive akin to hateful.
2.) I notice that the source of the ignorance is strongly ahold of the host body, I sense Saramans hold over King Theoden of Rohan in Lord of The Rings, or like a Sith Lord would do. It reeks of mind control.
I don't care how people vote in this election -- I know my candidate is going to win :) ----what I do care about is the divisive way we are being culled towards one team, or another i.e. Republicans vs. Democrats...or Liberals vs. Conservatives. Really, what all of this represents is that Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and all of THOSE people on television, print, and radio are the first ones to sing the talking points (derived from who knows where----Party Headquarters I guess) and then amusingly watch to have it played back to anyone on the other side (just like on these videos) over, and over, and over, and they believe it without actually knowing what the hell they are saying. They look and sound like morons. And guess what?- A shit pot of money is being made by those that control their minds and that is why they are doing it! They are stirring our emotions, are hopes, and fears nuanced with some glamour and fiction not for our own damn good, but theirs. Kind of like the way radical Islamists convince young men and women to believe in their cause.
These videos make me believe this mind control schtick evermore so. Notice none of these people have anything intelligent, thoughtful, or half way factual to say? Its all regurgitated trash they here from T.V., Radio, Klan meetings, or Reich stag cocktail parties.
Americans should be better than this, but even Lady Liberty will always have protection for folk like them. And maybe that's a good thing and overall -actually OK?
But this is just almost comical; in a tragic kind of way.
This one is even more amazing, and sad.
"Commie Faggots,"" terrorists," "its in the blood lines" - real thoughtful ---A bunch of Carp they are.
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