Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The strongest power: CHANGE

God Bless the Saturday morning cartoons I got to see when I was a child. I remember that feeling you'd have each Friday Night, that tomorrow ---there will be JUSTICE FOR THE WORLD!!!!!

The scenes where Aqua Man sonors ahead to a pod of grey humpback whales linking fins to tentacles making an arrayed octopus - whale net to stop a speeding rocket from slamming into the sea floor. FUCK YEAH! Happened every Saturday ---something like that, albeit by Superman - the supposed most powerful (wtf?), or Batman - who originally always had that problem of being too nice, a guy that dresses like that without any real superpower? add in Robin --- I kind of always saw that as GAY, GAY, GAY ----we now know the real way Batman is supposed to be portrayed (Thank God they got that one right!) Then there was Antman, and Flash - who is so fucking cool, and Wonder Woman - which is the reason most of my generation are not mysoginists ---we'd let her lead us into battle --looking at that ass? Imagine being captured by her thinking "I'm a prisonor tied by golden rope in an invisble jet with a hot Isle of Lesbos looking Yugoslavian - Fuck Yeah!"

I think the most underrated super heroes, of which my generation had the uttmost priviledge to be witnessed each Saturday morning was those stupid late coming tan, elf, vulcan looking - fucking weird sexual tensioned brother sister duo...a.k.a the Wonder Twins. Remember He could change into any H2O based thing, like the oxymoronic "Moving Ice Wave," then she could change into any earthly mammal creature- with a second head--but of course they could only do this as long as they were within touching proximity, then by loudly annoucing that "Wonder Twin Power, Form Of" verse. Fucking classic.

Bottom line is, they could all stop some bad thing from happening --- they could change certain events, and they changed outcomes. Powerful, yes -- but could they move through time? Could any of them travel to the future? And if you can travel to the future then do you not have the real power to change something? To make what I call Significant Outcome. I will try and define that quickly. Minor change would be predictable, mathamatically within reason... a simple defect - odds are there of it (the desired or undesired) of happening. What is not in the odds would be what I call Significant Change. I.E. - the final outcome would be the extreme, but a good example I think, would be - for instance, having the power to travel to the future and then kill the chimpanzees that carried the AIDS virus. That would have had a Significant Outcome to our current lives. Since that AIDS epidemic has occured, we can say that if a hero exists with that power, this action was not on his or her list of priorities so far.

Movies have exploited this concept in many forms. The left side being "Back To The Future" being the example on a somewhat mellow level ( I recall the middle movie being a bit dark, but not Damien like) - Then on the right, a movie like the 12 Monkeys - premised a bit more extreme than my example.

My point is -- how would we, in the present ever know that there hs been a Significant Outcome. How could we prove that there have not been any so far? Any number of scenarios can take place that could wipe us out in a heartbeat, yet here we are "sittin around - thinkin and the like." Healthy and happy. Can it be the cause of some hero going forward making that happen for me?

Is "God" the only hero that were supposed to believe has this power? Well here's what I say -----FUCK GOD! (wait........hold thunder, no lightning, no chasm rumbling apart in the earth below me------oh shit.....I'm going to live after saying that!)

Kind of gives you a bad karma after saying it, but from the Matrix we do know that Karma is just a word. Like God. Like Carlin taught us.

The best Hero story I've seen so far is the "Unbreakable" story - where the hero could see the offsite actions of an evil person, he was almost immortally indestructable, and he was humanly brave. He made a Significant Outcome - he saved people lives because of the extra sensory power coupled with the inhuman power. E.S.P is something unproven by Science, yet hugely popular amongst all current civilizations, and I would say that my Saturday morning lessons of JUSTICE are just as proven as the power of GOD.

1 comment:

The Wife said...

Unbreakable: we can all be, or not be at any given moment of our lives.

As movies go it is one that I can watch over and over again, I see different things in it every time. It makes me think, it makes me wonder. I struggle with accepting religion, because I believe that the "saved" are probably the most fucked up (possibly evil), of all. Individuals use religion to excuse their own actions, and then to seek fogiveness for choices they should have never made.

After many years of not setting foot in a church I have found myself actually attending mass twice in the past month. The first time was because of traveling over the holidays, being invited, and well feeling obligated. I did not want to explain my own thoughts on religion itself. The second was because my kid wanted to go (basically to see a friend, it is a social circle). Both of the masses were positive, and interesting. Though do I want to go through the motions and expected rituals that are expected? NO! As in all experiences in life we are in control of what we take from each of them. Do I believe in GOD? Do I beleive that we will be held accountable for our actions in the end? Well we will, at least by our own selves. I say live the life you believe to be rightous, though we all falter at times. If you look at yourself each day and ask "What the FUCK?", that cannot be good.

As for cartoons I just know scooby doo was my all time favorites. I guess I just like dogs??!!

Justice, within ourselves, within society, within our own families- it is personal, and as thought provoking as GOD.

Though I was expected to attend church, I remember sundays; the munsters @ 1 and 1:30, then gidget @ 2 and 2:30 followed by family film festival at 3pm. WHATEVER.